August 4, 2005

The Pause that refreshes

Ok - so it's kinda hot outside here in West Michigan.
On Sunday I offered lunch on the grill to a number of people at CentrePointe Church. You know, brats and burgers, corn on the cob and whatever else we could get together. Based on the nodding and smiling, I thought it was going to be a pretty big crowd. So I dashed home and thawed out a couple more packages of bratwurst, including the cheesy brats (which I highly recommend)! So I had about 8 burgers and 20 brats. That's quite a lot of food. 5 people showed up. I have brats and burgers left over. Lots of them. They are still pretty good with the grill flavor and all.

I should also mention that I was defrosting a turkey. Did I mention that it's hot outside? Yes, I believe I did. The Turkey was from Christmas. I planned to cook that on Sunday. I let it thaw some more while I ate leftover and cooked the turkey on Monday. It takes a while to cook, so it went in as soon as it could after work. At about 9:30 PM it was ready. It had one of those little pop-up timers and I double-checked it with a meat thermometer.

I've been eating bratwurst for lunch and turkey for dinner since then. This I have decided is a good thing. I get grilled food at lunch time and then before bed I get a good dose of Tryptophan to help me sleep. I've been sleeping really well since Monday.

Now - for the title of this entry.
This evening, after a plate of turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and a touch of gravy, I decided to tweak the sprinklers a bit. I have those underground sprinklers and turned a few heads off around a couple of areas. I opened a couple of them up to water some flowers and tomatoes.

You close and open these guys with a little screw right on the top of the sprinkler head, as you start to loosen the screw, the head begins to sprinkle. As I adjusted this particular head, I was unwittingly unscrewing the whole top of the sprinkler. it popped off and shot up at me in the face. I quickly stood up and got 20 gallons of water per-minute at 60psi right up the shorts. Man! That was refreshing.

maybe it's just me...

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Oh wow, that was funny. What I would have paid to see that. That's what I call an "America's Funnies Home Video" moment. I had one of those the other day too, where I was riding my bike and I tried to hop a curb, and subsequently flipped the entire bike over.