August 12, 2005

betty's batter better

My contribution so-far is a cake. I make this really good cake with a boxed cake mix and some pudding. It's really good. It came out of the oven a few minutes ago and yes, I licked the beaters. I licked the spatula and the bowl. I think if they made cake batter in a tube this good, I would eat it directly from the tube.

Have you ever noticed that everyone calls that rubber-headed scraper thing a "spatula"? Truthfully, it's a rubber-scraper. A "spatula" is in fact the flipper-ooni thing you use to turn over hamburgers or eggs. I however, will continue to use the word "spatula" incorrectly until the rest of the world ceases the following:

It's really preventive.

It's really oriented.

It's just Meijer.

and the rare, but still completely annoying:

I am willing to kill for less.

maybe it's just me?


Sarah G said...

(Obligitory Simpson's quote) "Spatula City! spatula city. Spatula CITY!"

The one that really annoys me? "A whole nother". GRRRRR!

Neal said...

Now, I remember that Home-Ec teacher in junior high was insistent that the rubber scraper thingie really is called a "spatula", while the flat doobie used for pancake and burger flippin' is called a "turner".
But that was in Indiana, maybe things are different in Michigan.