February 10, 2007

Night-time at the grocery

There's a moment on a Friday night when you realize that you might want to eat something the next day, so you make a quick run to the closest grocery store.

After purchasing some soda (12-packs for $1.97), milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, and yogurt, it's time to brave the parking lot once again. Now, a week after the Blizzard of 2007 the roads are starting to clear, but the parking lots are still slush-laden. Pushing even a small cart through the dry-slurpee-gunk is a chore. You end up dragging more than pushing. Parked next to me was this fancy car.

It takes insulation to a whole new level. But at the same time I found myself very thankful for my apartment, and that I'm not living in my car like this poor soul probably is.
Or, maybe they just don't have trash removal at their place?

...maybe it's just me.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Man that car is something else. I find it disgusting when I have like 4 water bottles and three coffee mugs in my backseat, which seems to happen once a week. I can't even imagine driving that car.