October 27, 2006

Tommy can you hear me

Oh how I've missed you
Originally uploaded by mirthmobile.
I'm in Los Angeles at Godblogcon learning more about blogging. However, I've still got to eat don't I?

Los Angeles is filled with sushi joints, falafel stands, strip malls, and a potpourri of delightful things to smell, eat, see, and do. I'm drawn to just about everything else.

When I think about whether to eat something - that is clearly not good for me, I'm reminded of this note in the bible.

Basically it sums up the idea the we're called to live a free life - not with wrecklessness (or license to do or in my case eat whatever we want to do) or without love for others, but the freedom from the junk that we might do to each other if we put ourselves first instead of putting God first.

What does this have to do with a Tommy Burger?
This pile of goo represents to me that which is best in the world and can be taken in without polluting myself or others that I care about. I shouldn't eat this every day to be sure, but once every 20 years or so, I can cross that line.

...maybe it's just me?


Morgan said...

So did you get that exact combo pictured above? Wow, I need a zipitor just looking at that.

Anonymous said...

for the record - I got that combo and a T-shirt.