April 19, 2006

Shout-Out To My Peeps

The Easter Bunny has come and gone, the frilly grass - in a variety of different colors has been scattered to the four winds, and the chocolate eggs are nothing but foil wrappers. What is left behind are the Peeps.

Peeps are the colored sugar covered marshmallow treats in the shapes of bunnies and chicks. They taste exactly how you imagine they do.

Not everyone views them as just a seasonal cavity inducing lump of marshmallowey goodness. There are those who have performed, shall we say, "unorthodox" experiments on the little fellas.

  • reaction to cold

  • reaction to heat

  • solubility testing

  • low-pressure environments

Not to mention the risk analysis.

I just like eating 'em.
maybe it's just me...

actually, I'm pretty sure it's just me.


Anonymous said...

It's not just you! Amy's Mom loves those things. I personally can't handle more than, like, one. But then, I've never had a big sweet-tooth.

Anonymous said...

Aha, I knew those peep experiments looked somewhat familiar:


Anonymous said...

The Twinkies Project a classic!